Jenkinsons-Barefoot Superheroes

Cora Marshall-Kemmett

Jenkinsons-Barefoot Superheroes

Team captain: Cora Marshall-Kemmett


This year we are paddling our hearts out to raise money for two charities.

CRB1 which is a degenerative retinal disease and also a local Scarborough charity to help those closer to home who need it.  
Please come and support us on the 16th June and if you can please donate to our page. Many thanks. X



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


This year we are paddling our hearts out to raise money for two charities.

CRB1 which is a degenerative retinal disease and also a local Scarborough charity to help those closer to home who need it.  
Please come and support us on the 16th June and if you can please donate to our page. Many thanks. X

Cora Marshall-Kemmett is fundraising towards